Safety Standards
Pushchairs sold in the UK used to be regulated by British Standard 7409 but now it is a European Standard EN1888. The new regulation no longer tests pushchairs for their weight capacity and what use they are suitable for. Instead the new standard tests all pushchairs to a single weight and for a single use.
All the buggies on this site have passed these tests BUT the new standard is only for a pushchair at walking speed not jogging or running. There is no test for jogging or running. As a result we (retailers & manufacturers) are required to say they cannot be sold for the purpose of jogging or running, it can only be used at walking speed. (Note this may not be 100% technically accurate but it is our best understanding)
Other countries don't have this issue becuase they do test for running. We just need to apply common sense here while under the EU rules!
We hope that we are acting responsibly by continuing to supply this product and havent sent you running for the hills (with or without your buggy).
Pushchairs sold in the UK used to be regulated by British Standard 7409 but now are regulated by European Standard EN1888. The new regulation no longer tests pushchairs for their weight capacity and what use they are suitable for. Instead the new standard tests all pushchairs to a single weight and for a single use.
All the buggies on this site have passed these tests BUT the new standard is only for a pushchair at walking speed rather than jogging or running. There is currently no test for jogging or running and as a result we (retailers & manufacturers) are required to say they cannot be sold for the purpose of jogging or running, they can only be sold to be used at walking speed.
(Please note that this is based upon interpretation of European Standard EN1888 please note this may not be 100% technically accurate, it is our best understanding!)
We just need to apply common sense here while under the EU rules!
We believe that we are acting responsibly by continuing to supply this product and hope we haven't sent you running for the hills (with or without your buggy).